All about taking care of your body shape.
Shape Care 3D full body scanner.
It can be used in various body shape management centers such as aesthetic shops, fitness and Pilates centers.
Through the intuitive and easy-to-use new S/W UI, various human body-related analyzes are performed based on 3D modeling data.
- Increases the reliability of customer consultation by providing quantified measurement results.
- 3D images enable easy-to-understand, intuitive consultation for customers.
- It is easy to prove the effectiveness of exercise and treatment by checking the change trend.
Multilingual support
Shape Care's software can be used in three languages: Korean, English, and Japanese, so it is possible to respond flexibly to foreign customers' consultations.
E-mailing of measurement results
3D measurement results can be consulted directly with customers through a monitor, or summary results can be directly shared with customers through printer printing and e-mail sending.
Shape Care specifications and structure
Shape Care product configuration
In addition to the basic configuration, Shape Care can be used simultaneously in a large-scale environment where the 3D scanning room and counseling room are separated by additionally configuring NAS (Network Attached Storage).
You can also purchase additional accessories such as a dedicated cabinet and dedicated carpet that can be used neatly by holding a monitor and storing a PC and NAS.
Software image gallery
Intuitive and convenient UI
Before/After partial volume comparison
Frontal/lateral posture analysis
Before/after cross section comparison
Body shape analysis report
Posture analysis report